Chennai Metro Train Seat Availability (Blue & Green) Line

Check the Chennai Metro Train Seat Availability Online | சென்னை மெட்ரோ ரயிலில் இருக்கை கிடைப்பதை ஆன்லைனில் சரிபார்க்கவும்

Check the Chennai Metro Seat Availability Online | சென்னை மெட்ரோ சீட் கிடைக்குமா என்பதை ஆன்லைனில் சரிபார்க்கவும்

Check out Chennai Metro Train Blue and Green Line seat availability before your travel.  This will help you to plan your travel based on the estimated availability of the Train and the seat. We can only provide you a guesstimate seat availability as there is no automated way of knowing the open or available seat in a particular coach or entire metro train.


Chennai Metro Seat Availability Checker

Chennai Metro Auto Train (Blue/Green) Line Seat Availability

Check the updated timing of Chennai Metro Train from here and also you can check out more up to date or real time Chennai Metro Train availability from this link.

This is a test app and we do not guarantee any information provide out of this app will be right/correct, we are also looking to fine tune this app with a real time maps and adding more features in the coming months/years.

Check out the updated Chennai Metro Route map.  This is the latest Chennai metro route map. சென்னை மெட்ரோ பாதை வரைபடம்.  You can also check the same in CMRL website from here.

updated Chennai Metro Route map