Train Seat Availability for non-reservation Trains (Crowdsourcing)

Be a Digital Warrior - Share your information about Seat Availability in Train's

Be a Digital Warrior - Share your information about Seat Availability

The key to a smooth and enjoyable journey lies in staying informed and prepared. Whether you're a daily commuter or an occasional traveler, knowing the current status of your train can make all the difference. We are piloting a new feature that will revolutionize the way we travel by train: real-time train information sharing.

Imagine a platform where travelers like you and me can update real-time information about train conditions. This platform not only allows you to share your experiences but also provides valuable insights for others planning their journeys. 

Train Information

Train Information

City Route Train/Coach Number Seat Available Crowded

Here's how it works and why it's a game-changer for train travel.

The Train Status Sharing Platform is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. Upon visiting the website, you’ll find two prominent buttons: "I am in the Train" and "I was on the Train." By selecting one of these options, you can quickly and easily share your current or recent train experience.

1. Select Your Status:
   - Click on "I am in the Train" if you're currently traveling.
   - Click on "I was on the Train" if you’ve just completed your journey.

2. Fill Out the Form:
   - Enter the City: Where you are boarding or alighting.
   - Enter the Route: The route your train is taking.
   - Enter the Train Number/Coach Number: The specific details of your train.
   - Seat Availability: Was there a place to sit (Yes/No)?
   - Crowdedness: Was the train crowded (Yes/No)?

3. Submit Your Information:
   - Once you’ve entered the details, simply click on the submit button.
   - A "Thank you for your contribution" message will appear, confirming your submission.

Join the Movement

As travelers, we have the power to transform our journeys through shared knowledge and collaboration. By participating in the Train Status Sharing Platform, you’re not only enhancing your travel experience but also contributing to a smarter, more connected travel community.

So, next time you’re on a train or have just finished your ride, take a moment to share your experience. Together, we can make train travel more efficient, comfortable, and enjoyable for everyone. Safe travels!