Find the nearest metro / train station

You can find the nearest metro / train station by enabling the location for this webpage

We often encounter the problem of losing ourselves in a big city and also losing in the means of transport which we would need to take to reach a destination.  We would need to open maps on our mobile or open a cab, auto or bike aggregators app for booking a ride.  Though we say that all the apps are available in fingertip, that is on your mobile but it's still hard to do get what we wanted.  That's the only reason why we designed this webpage, wherein it will show you the nearest metro or train station (within 5km radius).  This will be super helpful, if you bookmark this page and then open it when required.

Going to apple maps or google maps to find a train or metro station would not be so convenient, so make sure you bookmark this page and when needed, open the page and enable to location access and you will see the nearby metro/train station immediately on the screen.  No scrolling, No Toggling. 

You can find the nearest metro / train station by enabling the location for this webpage

Nearest Metro/Train Station

Find the Nearest Metro,Train station to my location
